Introduction to Division Six

Version 1.0 Available for Download Now! (⟸ See the Sidebar) By E. Robert Fullerton, Game Author D i V ision 6 Experience Role playing Evolved. A Rules-Lite D20 System. Welcome fellow role players! We here at Division 6 we have heard your prayers, as you sit around the table resisting the urge to just play your mobile device - embarking down those familiar role playing games scenarios and tribulations, playing the same old thing, over and over, hoping for a new outcome. That's the definition of insanity right? Tired of the same dozen or so classes and clunky systems. We've worked for the last 15 years to bring the new face of Table Top Role-playing. Please allow us to introduce you to Role-playing Evolved. We've played dozens of TTRPGs and learned from them all; what to do and what not to do. We want you to be comfortable with our very familiar D20 system and all its simplicity and, at the same time, redefine your concept of classes, party combinatio...