130+ New Classes with Version 1.0 Release!
The game creator, E. Robert Fullerton, is happy to announce the the first official version of Division Six! Version 1.0 comes with 130 new classes for a total of more than 200 classes to play, and finalized versions of the Game Masters Supplements . Players Supplements The Players Handbook V-1.0 fleshes out many of the rules and intricacies of the players' aspect of playing in the DV6 universe. The Character Sheet V-1.0 is refined for use both in and out of combat. (See PHB page 17 for explanation.) The Damned and Forgotten V-1.0 introduces 22 classes of undead, demons, and mythic creatures of legend. The Healer Handbook V-1.0 refines the many healing classes introduced in Version 0.91. The Mages Handbook V-1.0 brings to the world of DV6 23 classes of spellcasters and illusionists. The Orientals Handbook V-1.0 introduces 23 classes of ninjas, samura...