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Introduction to Division Six

Version 1.0 Available for Download Now! (⟸ See the Sidebar) By E. Robert Fullerton, Game Author D i V ision 6 Experience Role playing Evolved. A Rules-Lite D20 System. Welcome fellow role players! We here at Division 6 we have heard your prayers, as you sit around the table resisting the urge to just play your mobile device - embarking down those familiar role playing games scenarios and tribulations, playing the same old thing, over and over, hoping for a new outcome. That's the definition of insanity right? Tired of the same dozen or so classes and clunky systems. We've worked for the last 15 years to bring the new face of Table Top Role-playing. Please allow us to introduce you to Role-playing Evolved. We've played dozens of TTRPGs and learned from them all; what to do and what not to do. We want you to be comfortable with our very familiar D20 system and all its simplicity and, at the same time, redefine your concept of classes, party combinatio...

2nd Edition Available Now!

Hello all! Apologies for the long absence. We've been working hard all year long on writing and refining the second edition of Division Six. Good news! It's ready! You can view and download the Complete Works and the latest character sheet here . (Our resident designer is working on the new cover. It will be updated soon.) What's new? A combination of the Player's Handbook and all the class books called the Complete Works. (It's still listed as the Player's Handbook for now.) Character creation has been streamlined and is the fastest yet in the games 15 year history! A new Race: Walkers - Undead denizens of Necrospace who discover that if they stay long enough in the human reality they can come back to normality. New leveling system and tables: Early leveling has been accelerated to help Player Characters establish the long-term goals of their characters faster. Rewards for leveling and their functionality have been updated to better suit faster l...

130+ New Classes with Version 1.0 Release!

The game creator, E. Robert Fullerton, is happy to announce the the first official version of Division Six!     Version 1.0 comes with 130 new classes for a total of more than 200 classes to play, and finalized versions of the Game Masters Supplements .     Players Supplements     The Players Handbook V-1.0 fleshes out many of the rules and intricacies of the players' aspect of playing in the DV6 universe.     The Character Sheet V-1.0 is refined for use both in and out of combat. (See PHB page 17 for explanation.)     The Damned and Forgotten V-1.0 introduces 22 classes of undead, demons, and mythic creatures of legend.     The Healer Handbook V-1.0 refines the many healing classes introduced in Version 0.91.     The Mages Handbook V-1.0 brings to the world of DV6 23 classes of spellcasters and illusionists.     The Orientals Handbook V-1.0 introduces 23 classes of ninjas, samura...

50 New Classes Available Now!

50 New Classes! By: C. Elliott Fullerton, Media Manager    The game author, E. Robert Fullerton, just finished the Healers' Handbook and Warriors' Handbook, and the newest revisions of the  Player's Handbook , Game Master's Screen, and the  Tank Handbook ! They are posted now! [Note that  Player's supplements  and  Game Master's supplements  are now divided into separate folders to reduce confusion.] Enjoy!     The Healers' Handbook is a comprehensive manual that incorporates 25 new classes to the Division Six Experience. From the classic Shaman to the estranged Voodoo Priest!     The Warriors' Handbook will help you include the first 25 of more than a hundred ( many more to come, obviously)  DPS style classes.     The Tank Handbook  (ver. 0.91) is a comprehensive manual to incorporating many more 'Tank' style classes into your Division Six game! There are 25 new classes from Anakarr, ninja war...

Coming Soon!

COMING SOON: City on Fire or Achelois on Fire or Achelois Burns - [The title of this adventure is yet to be decided ( that's why it has three! ). It is designed to be a one-off, an adventure that lasts only one or two sessions.]     "It hasn't rained in the City of Achelois in almost four years. People are starving for food that will not grow. The more people fall to the hunger and thirst the more those that remain grow resentful, bitter, even murderous. The city government, headed by a man named Gregori Ruknatin, has responded to the crime with violence, and to the discontent of Achelois' people with a wave of anti-intellectual reforms. He's made many passionate speeches about the failures of the city's scientists, engineers, and doctors. He expounds to the crowds hanging on his words that is the intelligencia that is at fault for the lack of water and food. And, after some time, when many of the city's most capable problem solvers have been killed by ...

Division Six Q&A

Ask your questions in the comments! FAQ - How much does Division Six cost? Division Six is FREE TO DOWNLOAD . We charge for nothing! We have no Patreon, or GoFundMe, or anything like that. Are there any Modules or Campaigns for Division Six? There are none posted as of yet. COMING SOON: The West Coast Region 'New California' Campaign . We are working diligently on Regions, Starting Zones, Adventures, and Campaigns, that will be made available for download as soon as we are confident in their viability. Division Six is designed to be fully adaptable/translatable for any module or adventure from any other game! Because enemies are based on the party's level and can be easily converted using the Game Master's Screen (available for download in the sidebar). Click here to see what's coming next! How do I download Division Six? You can access all the Players' Supplements and Game Masters' Supplements currently available. We are constantly updating th...